The Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies (NSAS) is the home of:

Advanced Neuroscience Courses open to scientists of all levels, from senior graduate students to full professors, are held in Venice, on the Island of San Servolo, with the stunning backdrop of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

The Challenge Workshops are in-depth study sessions reserved for very small groups of experienced, accomplished investigators, ready to work alongside the undisputed leaders, at 2112 mt, in the idyllic Swiss Alps of Crans-Montana.

The Neuroscience Summit is a regular annual Forum for a select group of global thought leaders across areas of neuroscience, with the goal of charting a path for engaging global neuroscience leadership in future trends on a broad scale

Short Sabbaticals. In addition to attending individual events, a sabbatical opportunity at the NSAS is also offered. This is an intense experience, during which the selected participants may access all of the NSAS events of the chosen period. Prospective participants may join the Program for its entire duration or only for a portion of it. Contact us for more information. 

The Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies is a non-profit organization established and managed for the promotion of neuroscience research and for the benefit of the scientific community. Scientifically qualified participants of any sex, age, race, color, religion, and national origin are admitted.